For more than 10 years BET has successfully built and installed breweries of all kind of sizes in Japan. A decade of experience gives us the unique ability to fully understand legal, economically and environmental challenges for breweries in Japan. We put this knowledge to work to to make each brewing project a success for our clients.
For restaurants and small scale pilot brews we are offering our BET Pico Brewing System ranging form 100 L per batch. A small, simple Monoblock brewhouse to create great, complex beers. Our BET Micro Brewing System is ideal for brewpubs or as a pilot plant for research and development and educational institutions. Technical specifications can be adjusted to your requirements. Capacity is flexible from 200 L up to 1000 L per batch. BET Industrial Brewhouses range from 1000 L up to 10000 L per batch. Order made in Germany they are fully customizable according to your individuell requirements. By continuous technological development and refinement we make sure that our brewhouses are using the latest state of the art technology. Manufactured in Germany to craft beers worldwide.
All our brewing systems can be equipped with malt milling, tanks, CIP systems, keg and bottle filling units that fit size and production requirements.